Wednesday, September 26, 2012


EVERY Wednesday at 6pm in October, we race cyclocross!  Tentatively, the venue is Roanoke Park, stay tuned for more details.

For tonight,  we are doing a cyclocross race, 6pm, Penn Valley Park.

Meet where they had that giant "Container structure", and where the 99% people camped out. (ie: west side of the fed reserve).

This race is not affiliated with Swayze, but if you want to be fast for Swayze, be prepared to suffer.


  1. i was at roanoke last night and i think it's a no go. they have grass seed lining all the new sidewalks and it would be poor form to have all of us riding thru it.

    Penn Valley or Gillham park (the one south of hyde park) seem like good alternatives. Gillham Park between 43rd and Brush Creek Blvd has major potential.

  2. i say urban cross at the westport high school track and field!
